Matthew 7:24-25 “ “Therefore
whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to
a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the
floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not
fall, for it was founded on the rock.”
believers, our lives must be built on God’s Word. In our job, at our
church, with our spouses, and with our children; the final word for us
must be from the Bible. Whatever situation we find ourselves in,
wherever we are at in our life...we have to get our instruction from the
Bible. Forget the hypothetical “what would Jesus do?” - the real
question should be “what did Jesus say?”
hasn’t left us in the dark here! He told us everything we need to know
about our life. He wrote it all out inside His Word. So if there was one
priority in a believer's life, what should it be? We should be digging
into the Bible before we turn to anything else. God's Word is the the
rock that a secure life is built on.
Well, that's only half true...the rest of the story is found in verses 26 and 27. “But
everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be
like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain
descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house;
and it fell. And great was its fall.” Knowing God's Word isn't enough to make your life storm-proof. To do that, you also need to obey what you know.
Bible is the firm foundation for a strong life. Anything that you build
in this life – a business, a marriage, your children, a ministry – must
be built on the obeyed Word of God. That is the rock that stands firm against the storm.
obeying the Bible's directions is shown to be the rock to build on,
what do you suppose the sand in this story is? Simply put, it's hearing
the Word and ignoring it. How many Christians do this every week in
church. They hear something from the pulpit that convicts them, they
know that they need to change, but they walk out and forget about it!
Jesus said that was like building a house on the sand!
let's get a little more in depth. When you look at all the passages
where sand is mentioned symbolically, it always referring to masses of
people. If you think about it, this is one of the biggest reasons why people
don't obey God's Word. They hear it - but then they talk to their mom
who's got a better idea. or they hear another “viewpoint” on TV, or they
follow their own logic instead of what the Bible says. These people
hear the sayings of God, but they reject it in favor of the shifting
sand of man's opinion.
come to both types of people. People who obey God and people who do
things their own way will both have trouble in their life. When someone
who has built their life on the rock faces a storm, they can rejoice
knowing that they're going to be standing on the other side. But, when
someone who ignores God's Word goes through a storm, everything they've
built for themselves will collapse.
many times have we seen this? Marriages fall apart because the wife
won't respect her husband or the husband won't love his wife. Kid's go
crazy because they weren't disciplined God's way while they grew up.
Churches split in half because the congregation refused to listen to
God's warnings on strife and division.
If we want to build anything in this life that lasts – we must learn what God says, and then obey it!
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